Steady Si

Dear friends,

It’s with sadness that I write this today. The world has lost another wonderful furry friend.

Si, my parents cat, lost his battle to Feline Anemia yesterday.


Si’s Story

Si came to my parents on and off over the last year/year and a half. Since February, my parents have been tempting him to choose them as his new caretakers with superexpensivecalifragilisticexpialidocious food and tons of head rubs. Si chose them in February, and sealed the deal after wearing the cone of shame and sticking around. A choice, I think would have been a difficult one for a stray. 

I referred to Si as “Steady Si”. As nothing phased him –  he was just a happy go lucky kind of cat.

Si was the puuuuurrrfect cat for my parents. He watched Nascar with my Dad for as long as Dad would like – without any arguments (unlike us). He supervised my Mom as she gardened for hours in the summer months. He was an ever steady companion, up for anything and always down for a couch snuggle. My Dad even taught him to do tricks, which he proudly showed all who would visit. It quickly became the joke between my siblings and I, that Si was the new favorite kid.

I like to think that he chose my parents, knowing it would be an amazing place to rest out his last few months.

My parents, knowing what a special cat he was – did everything they could for him as the vet said there was a chance they might have caught the disease early enough. They took him through two rounds of heavy antibiotics and IV fluid therapies. Their family vet actually offered to keep him for a few days and personally care for him, to see if she could increase his red blood cell count. It was too late, and we sadly lost Si yesterday.

It’s the worst thing about owning a pet – losing them. A feeling vetern pet owners know too well. The only thing we can do is love them while they are here – something my entire family did in spades.

Si, you chose well. You brought so much light and love into our parents home during the past few months. Rest well, my friend – in a world where I know there will be tons of belly rubs waiting for you.

Pictured here is Si, after coercing yet another friend to give him a bellyrub.


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